Tatranska Javorina – lodge Podmuran (compacted gravel surface: 2.2 km, about 45 min, 75 m elevation). If the beautiful wooden church of St. Anne’s tiny local village Tatranska Javorina turn left and you to keep roads, which will direct you straight to Javorova valley. The blue tourist trail after about 2 km you get to the lodge Podmuran, near which there is interest focused on geology Tatras. This is a unique geological exhibition of its kind in Slovakia in the wild – Learn geological area Podmuran.
GPS: 49°15’55.8″N 20°08’22.5″E (Tatranska Javorina, wooden church of St. Anne’s)
Zobraziť Tatranská Javorina, drevený rímskokatolícky kostol na väčšej mape