Slovakia is a queen of “mineral waters”. Places where natural mineral water springs are numerous in our area, some are well-known through some still wit to be discovered, some forgotten and some lost.
Stary Smokovec, educational path “History of Smokovce”
Nature trail is located in the village of Stary Smokovec. Originally it had seven information panels and should begin at the bus station and ends in downtown Stary Smokovec, near the information center. Panel No. 1 t.č. (01/2013) unfortunately doesn’t exist anymore … (more…)
Stary Smokovec, Calvary on “The Nice View”
The only Calvary in High Tatras is located in Stary Smokovec. At the outset, let me quote the curator, director of the gallery Anna Ondrušeková “This Calvary is not classic, is artistic expression of artists. Is an expression of man’s relation to events and personality of Jesus Christ.
Stary Smokovec, “The Nice View”
If you found Smokovec acidulous water and you have some time to watch Old Smokovec from above, you can follow path further towards the viewt. It’s a place where you will be fine with your children. Although the path leads up the hill, but what would you expect in the Tatras :),(more…)
Stary Smokovec, geoglyph
Surely you think I was probably mistaken … Well, i‘m not 🙂 You red correctly: geoglyph. Geoglyphs are a large painting or other large graphic motives created on the surface. In Slovakia are two such unique buildings. The first one (probably better known) is located under the Spis castle
Stary Smokovec, Villa Alica
This eye-pleasing log house has been standing in the centre of Starý Smokovec since 1880. Its original name used to be „Little Spiš“. A couple of years later it was renamed after the great Tatry-loving Austro-Hungarian minister Dezider Szilágyi (to this day many inhabitants of the Tatras know it as the Szilágy villa).
Starý Smokovec, Wooden Roman Catholic church
The church in Stary Smokovec is located in the mountainous village, just a few meters from the valley (bottom) station funicular to Hrebienok. It is built in the Alpine style and half-timbered masonry, which is the characteristic of this building style and unrepeatable.